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National Council for
Exercise & Fitness

Children's Fitness Specialist
What am I qualified to do?The Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness (CEHF) qualifies you to supervise and instruct on the gym floor including the cardio, machine weights and free weight areas. You will also be qualified to teach group exercise classes in: Circuit Training Body Conditioning High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Studio Fitness, Exercise to Music Step Training Resistance Training Flexibility You are trained to conduct fitness assessments on individuals and groups and design exercise programmes suitable for a variety of fitness levels and different needs and goals. All graduates are qualified in First Aid Response (FAR) from the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC).
Who is the accrediting body?All NCEF courses and modules are accredited by the University of Limerick (UL). On successful completion of the course, students will graduate from the University of Limerick with a Level 6 NFQ Certificate in Exercise and Health Fitness. University of Limerick Accredited Level 6 Minor on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) Level 5 on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Europe Active/E-Reps Exercise for Health Specialist (SQF Level 5) 60 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Credits
What does the course cover?The course consists of 9 modules and final examinations: Human Movement Studies Lifestyle, Fitness, Wellness & Nutrition Fitness Assessment and Programme Design Management & Work Placement Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) First Aid Response Studio Classes in Exercise to Music & Free Movement (Practical) Resistance Training with Weights, Machines, Kettlebells (Practical) Circuit Training, Body Conditioning, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Bootcamp Training (Practical) Step Training, Flexibility, Foam Rolling (Practical) Final Examinations (Theory and Practical)
How much does it cost?Academic Year 2025/26 Fees The Certificate in Exercise & Health Fitness (CEHF) programme fee for the 2025/26 academic year is €3,725 Option 1: Payment of Full Fees Payment of course fees, €3,725, in full on acceptance of your place on the course. This option includes a non-refundable deposit of €995.00. Option 2: (2 Payments) Total fees €3,725 Non-refundable deposit payment of €995 is due on acceptance of your place on the course. The balance of fees, €2,730, is due on or before Wednesday, 13th August 2025, at the latest. Leaving Cert 2025 Applicants: Full fees are due on acceptance of your place on the course. Please Note: Once students are registered, all fees paid are non-refundable/non-transferable. For your security and in compliance with Section 65(4)(a) of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012, Learner Protection arrangements have been put in place with Arachas Insurance, should the NCEF cease to provide this programme before learners have completed awards. Funding: The CEHF is not eligible for SUSI funding however you may be eligible for funding through the Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) scheme. You must contact your local Department of Social Welfare for more information.
Entry RequirementsApplicants should hold the Irish Leaving Certificate with minimum Grade O6 in five Ordinary Level subjects (including Maths, Irish or another language, and English) OR an approved equivalent or higher qualification. Other standards within Leaving Certificate or other levels of education will be considered under the NCEF/UL Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Scheme. A full supporting statement should also be submitted with your application. This should be 500-1000 words in length and should outline your reasons for applying for this programme. Non EU Nationals must submit a Study Visa, copies of passport documentation and proof of employment for the last 5 years. Applicants should have good communication skills and enjoy working with people. NCEF reserves the right to interview if required.
When and where can I do this course?Option 1 - 2025/26 Academic Year Venue: University of Limerick *Start Date: September 2025 *Finish Date: End of April 2026 *Contact Days: Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays (these days may be subject to change and students must be available Monday to Friday). Time: 10am to 5pm Note, the information above is provisional and may be subject to change. Option 2 Colleges of Further Education The following Colleges of Further Education run an intensive CEHF programme in conjunction with their sports programmes. For further information on this option, please contact the following colleges directly: Cork College of Further Education & Training (Formerly CSN), Cork Colaiste Íde College of Further Education, Finglas, Dublin Inchicore College of Further Education, Inchicore, Dublin Waterford College of Further Education, Waterford Drogheda Institute of Further Education, Drogheda Ormonde College of Further Education, Kilkenny
Apply Now!Applications are now open for the 2024/25 academic year! Apply here
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